Monday, April 16, 2007

Linda Lolita Lulu La Hughes

While Homer J. Simspsons is my favorite male fictional character I must admit that Linda La Hughs it's female counterpart. I rediscovered the sitcom 'Gimme, Gimme, Gimme' and am enjoying every minute of it.

If you where to run into her and ask her for her astrological sign she would answer 'gorgeous' because she suffers from reversed body dismorphic disorder. Here are some quotes from the show.
Linda La Hughes:
I ain't phobic about 'omos, I just can't stand the sight of 'em!

Linda La Hughes:

I've had my best sex in the dark. Well blokes prefer it that way, don't they?

Linda La Hughes:

I wouldn't mind him putting his hand up my skirt and moving my lips, if you know what I mean!

Linda La Hughes:

Tom, I can't be a lesbian, I mean, look at me, I'm gorgeous!
Loads of lezzers are gorgeous! Take...
[Thinks for a long time]
...Velma from Scooby Doo.

Are you pleased to see me?
Linda La Hughes:
Of course I'm pleased to see you Zippy. It's just a shock, I haven't been this shocked since well I gave birth to you. I thought you were wind, I very nearly called you Fart.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hillarious,hilarious, siddhi