To keep up with the ever changing world we at work have a blog so we can show the world what moves us and keeps us on our toes. I as a part of the senior creative team have to contribute form my field of interest. I've decide I want to contribute at least with a featured artist of the month. This month is Karl Kwanzy aka Monaux where I did a short interview with. Below you can see what makes him tick and you can push the following link to go to his site and admire his work.
Tell something about yourself.
I’m twenty-two years old. I’ve been illustrating/designing professionally for a few years now and it truly is what I want to be doing with my life. I have a massive array of interests, flaws, vices and passions, which I try to incorporate into my work as much as possible. I’m fascinated by the notion of innocence (particularly innocence as it relates to religion,) religious iconography and doctrine, death, flawed hand-drawn type and type in general (my favourite typeface is
Bodoni), sex, colour, habits, the nature of bigotry... the list goes on. Being a freelance designer/illustrator allows me to essentially work from anywhere in the world as long as I have my pencils/pens, my sketchbook, my laptop and access to the internet. I am currently living in Winnipeg, Canada for a few months, but I am originally from Brisbane, Australia. I finished my bachelor of design and decided that it was just time to get away.
Why are you an artist?
Because it’s the one thing I truly love doing.
What artists have influenced you, and how?
I’ve had many influences over the years. John Wayshak, James Jean, Rockin’ Jellybean, Trevor Brown, my friends Sam and Philip. I’m always inspired by artists who try to do something that has not been tried before. Trevor Brown in particular is a hero of mine because he paints what he feels he should paint, despite the fact that he will never get the recognition he deserves by doing so.
What's inspires you to make the things you do?
Ideas generally just pop into my head, or come into existence when I put pen to paper. I draw inspiration from everything around me, really, and travelling has been excellent for that.
How would do discribe your work to a blind person?
Curvy, happy, roboplegic wrong-cock.
What advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
I’d recommend not taking any computer shortcuts and doing everything by hand. Computers are satan’s own invention.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully extremely successful, making enough money from freelancing to live very comfortably. Maybe married, probably not.