Monday, January 29, 2007

Another week filled with movies

Well I have been feeling ill the last few days and couldn't get myself to watch a lot of movies. Lets hope that this week will be more fruitful.

Blood Diamond
As always I think that even though Leonardo Di Caprio isn't a bad actor he isn't that good to play the main character in a movie. Besides that it is just an average movie that probably will score good enough at the box office.

Deja Vu
Hmmm, I didn't like and don't know why Denzel Washington act in such crappy movies.

This Film Is Not Yet Rated
A boring and childish stab at the MPAA for keeping the people who rate movies secret. Nothing new, not worth the time, the effort or the money.

The Prestige
A nice movie that does know how to keep your attention. At the end it almost looses it self in all the twists it has created. One or two would have been enough and kept me satisfied. Go see it.

An unusual story about an unusual friendship that somehow can only exist in movies. Not funny, not sad and definitely not in between, worth my time.

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